So where is your vile for restaurants, or are you one of those people, who give them your money? The nut nodded, not realizing I was mocking. LOL! You cant expect to make it big without the hussle. My complaint where Amway is concerned is that they turned a blind eye to what is, in essence, downright stealing, making them "accessories after the fact as a court of law would call it. But disobedient Amway Ambots refuse to believe this information from what they would call a trusted source LOL LOL LOL and search online to find other answers. Amway is all about selling the hope. I can conclude that you either are lying, or you simply built a poor organization. This blog mainly exists to curse out my former upline, aka the cult leaders, and to let everyone know what kind of idiots I had to put up with. BWW? And if the ambot finds 6 people and they find 6 people and so on then they're all going to be RICH. I'm amazed the Amway media machine isn't blowing this out their asses that this immigrant made it big in Amway and has bought millions of dollars worth of businesses, etc etc. Only those at the top make money off of the 99% of those below them. They will twist scripture and take it out of context to suit their agenda. Lets keep it safe for everyone. These people we were calling were friends, family and acquaintances, and if they didn't buy in, we were to "flush" them? And tbh amway rules and guess who doesnt rule thats right its you. And, those that are doing that well are doing so at the expense of the poor folks duped into working below them. They defend Amway as being a multi-billion dollar company, not taking into account that they got that rich off the backs of their poorly commissioned sales people self-consuming the horribly over-priced products and going out and recruiting others to do the same. It's one thing to say show the plan and its another thing to actually find a sucker willing to take a look at it. They buy mansions a fleet of sports cars and fly first class to exotic destinations multiple trips a year and supposedly they pay cash for all of this. Also, please don't bother to reply without all their Schedule C's attached, O.K. ft. $725,000. If you have capital to build a business then do so help the economy and build something of your own. Can't say Amway and honest in the same sentence can you without laughing! This is just sad ambitious or not. When you are Teamed up with the right team that actually cares about you, and builds your business because when you succeed then they succeed. Thank you. I've also found out that by doing a lot day in and day out in getting people to buy or make connections for them to join is tough but they say is well worth it. I remember qualifying on an incentive to visit Diamond Clark and Diana Broome's house in Loomis, California. Kyle - subjective. Also, stop hating what other people do because its their lives not yours and if you want to judge, judge your fucking self, because no one gives a shit what you say or think and go kys bitch. They couldnt stop, of course. It looks like you're still brainwashed after all these years of being out. If you are teamed up with the wrong people then you of course there is the chance of failure- say what you want. Anonymous - you better go counsel with the assholes in your Amway upline. . You're basically on point with what you've said. And while you're sucking his dick off you better get more instructions on how not to say negative. Same old Ambot propaganda. Amway is very different. You think you are still fighting and working toward your future. You're wasting time, Anonymous! Guess you don't listen to fucking good to the assholes in your Amway upline who tell you not to visit negative web pages like this one and never speak negative. Hey Tyler,Why do you need us to email you our 'assumptions and doubts'?Join the open discussion, right here. He got signed last month and I consider this person as 1 of my best friends that I truly care about. If you, dear reader, know of a son or daughter who is now running their parents business, please let us know. You Go 50/150 for 3 out of your first 6 months you get $50/per month that you do plus your regular business $'s you'll be around $60-$260/month that you do. That year t. Diamond Club: February 3-8, 2023. Youre a broke loser you fucking Amway Diamond according to the Amway IBOs in your downline! Better get used to spelling with Chinese phonetics , Your email address will not be published. I definitely agree 100% with Alan. I have had my own business for over 12 years and I am not rich but I am happy because I am my own boss. In the news a couple of weeks ago it was saying that children who are brought up in religious households or maybe it was Christian households I don't remember which one are greedier than children brought up in unreligious households. Yeah that'll get me somewhere. It may only be shared or re-used under licence. "Everything is awesome", Put this into Google Translate and even it shrugged it's shoulders in confusion. I'll help you with hotel and food costs" but once you are there they "forget" that they ever said anything of the sort.Amway is all about lying and deception. He's not selling pots and pans. I'd like to hear what the Diamonds have to say about that at one of those stupid, greed-driven WWDB functions. 4:45AM Anon?!? But eventually when the ambot only sees $10 coming in from his commissioned sales from Amway every month after spending hundreds of dollars then they ask the assholes in the Amway upline because the numbers don't add up. Anonymous - LOL. You can find stories online of people spending $192,000 to "make" $30,000 (shit, we think there are actual cults with a higher rate of return). Hell Ive never even had a call from a bill collector. But who the hell pays $20 for lipgloss? So yeah be prepared for quite a ride because it's far from being easy living with an IBO.Osu. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! There's a lot of money lost and lives destroyed.Those motivational books and tapes you mentioned? By his admition, he's only been in that business 3 years. Its a constant battle trying to keep the money in our bank account instead of throwing it away at the Great Amway God. (Thanks to Dr.Jayashree rath).have a great life.thanks. My emerald makes twice what you made as a diamond. (The list on Amway Wiki is very incomplete, David.) . We don't just ride on hope. Anna, you are far better off than the average American. Plus I get extra when I get Amway ambots showing up at my blog to tell me what they think of me like I haven't heard it a million times before from the assholes in our upline!Good luck with your new venture. Hey -- Ambot Asshole posting as "Anonymous" on November 11 -- do you actually have any cogent arguments to raise against what Anna and others posting here said about your beloved Amway? I am saying for myself, I was taught and have higher business ethics then Scamway.Living my own dream, Freddy. If your career pays you 100k per year and you make 50k a year in amway, are you going to be complaining? Isn't there someone in your Amway upline who wants you to suck his dick off so go run off and find him cocksucker! & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]]. How do you know when someone in Amway is lying? Turn the tables and it really pisses off those arrogant Amway assholes! They were probably shocked as well. Vicky - are you trying to tell us your ex-lover is a lying cheating scamming Amway Diamond and you want that fucker back? I had to buy the tapes too. And that would mean an even bigger loss than a billion next year for Amway. Thats to Amway and other MLM business, common people can take part of the billion dollar industry of distribution. And i know it costed him like 10 bucks for it haha..Also, they did give me a protein bar sample which they said costs 3$ per bar. You have to work for your dreams. Free trips? THOUSANDS have spoken out over the years. So says you on a post with over 100 comments. You have to buy monthly membership to what ever cult sect you're part of like WWDB call it $50. Obviously we have differing opinions on what is negative and there's nothing wrong with having different opinions on that. There are names on the List of Diamonds on Amway Wiki that I dont recognize. to support their Amway hobby) and if Jesus were around today they would actually scorn him as being a long-haired hippie, pacifist, socialist, bleeding-heart liberal who should go buy a suit and use his influence to scam people out of their money. That lifestyle just aint possible on 150k without going into some serious debt. According to the assholes in your Amway upline Amway Diamonds make millions of dollars a year! The Mona Vie Black Diamond apparently gave the impression that they had left Amway due to anger at Amway's request to sign the declaration. Any "business opportunity" that encourages it's recruits to not look at numbers but instead to "dream dream dream" is a red flag. You are not a good downline are you?Secondly instead of running your mouth uncontrollably why don't you rebut the issues raised by Anna or offer resounding evidence to the contrary? I cant promise you anything but how would you like to meet him for coffee?You get there and the bozo introduces himself as a Platinum whether or not he is. Only the most aggressive liars and scammers make money. I showed up an hour late and I was shocked to find out that my friend sucked me into an Amway meeting like a blind vortex. A Q-12 platinum (lets assume 10K PV) runs at minimum $360K annually. They flog overpriced shitty products to Ambots who are bullied by the upline to keep buying. of more than 1400 Amway Diamonds and above. Because for everything those recruits buy the Ambots get a tiny percentage. haha! See for details. It's like a stinking movie like the Postman by Kevin Kostner that I just can't turn off. In the late 1980s I frequently attended Amway rallies to help out a friend (bringing potential recruits to these rallies made my friend look good to his upstream). JUST DO IT. We're not suppose to show the real averages when we show the plan, people won't believe them. Most people don't have it in them.Your last sentence is correct. Now that might be a ripoff but that part of it at least isn't necessarily scamming (20$ is the retail price of the lip gloss and he buys it discounted due to being part of Amway and paying fees for that).. now.. after all of that.. he still is begging me to join Amway.. there is something I am not being told here. LOL! Dang, sounds like a sure thing to me.Cassette Tape. The amount of people each Ambot would have to have under them is prohibitively large to make any profit at all. People get caught up in the hype of an Amway meeting, sign up, pay, go home and research it on the Internet and go holy shit this is a cult and a scam and get out right away too. Of course not, the information you are allowed to read is what has been given to you. For the calendar year 2021, the average income from Amway for all U.S. registered IBOs at the Founders Platinum level and below was $766 before expenses. They attend the first Bahama Rama with 13 Distributorships in celebration. If this guy you met worked in timeshare sales he'd be doing really good wouldn't he!He probably spoke to you about how people who have jobs are stupid. Same broke. It is now, of course, but then (if memory serves me right) it had more to do with the year 2000 than the name Amway. Thanks for stopping by with your story. More fucked in the head than what Amway does to them. This former Emerald had 1000 people in his downline and at best made $3,000/month. Its called facts and people who ignore them are called ignorant. And they taste better. Amway makes their money on selling startup kits and personal use of products by distributors. Like your Amway pipe dream?Haters always hate? Instead it always " I am involved with a (fill in the blank) company. a strategy ? See you're too nice. It makes Amway Ambots very angry that its so high on the search engines when they're probably looking to find out how much an Amway Diamond makes. You actually tell them what you want to talk to them about and show them some videos online before having them over. In addition, 50 percent of the energy powering Amway's world headquarters in Ada, Michigan, is wind-generated. I'm thinking about 95% - 99% of the people in this crap have other jobs. Working 7 days a week non stop. i.e. I was pretty shocked by this book, but all the questions Id been asking myself (but didnt dare voice to my upline) suddenly had answers that made sense. Earnings depend on many factors, including: customer base, business experience, effort, dedication, and quality and performance of an IBOs sales team. The site is unable to respond. But sadly this is the story of 99% of the IBOs. But I researched this one a lot, and it seems very solid. he tells us that we are to expect trials and suffering along the way. Get information from legitimate sourcesOr be negative and work for 40 years give your life and youth to some corporate pyramid where only the people at the top reap the big bucks and you do all the workListen you don't have to do network marketing to make your dreams come true that so TRUE but staying where you are is definitely NOT the answer. Please check your Minimum Browser Requirements. Diamond are able to requalify. A diamond pin is finally available. "if i don't get him/her back i will end my life.."What, so you can't even tell if your ex lover is a man or a woman? You must have only had 6 legs that went platinum, which obviously made you a diamond. Some Amway diamonds make the bulk of their income from speaking at Amway functions. While technically it is possible Id say in reality it is not possible from a standing start. So most people male nothing, and actually lose money because they are not taught to retail to 10 customers a month ( ewwwww.) The idea was to reach a level where the scam would provide such a high salary that you don't need anything else and can have all the time in the world with massive money pouring in. Oh look another fucking Amway asshole ordering me around. Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. 2012. i am hiting 6% level.very fast i want to go diamond AWA recommends new pin levels as Distributors flock to the opportunity and leaders build growth. There are plenty of inexpensive Rolls Royces on eBay for under $20k. Do you play Final Fantasy 14? FUCK OFF Amway asshole! You do all the work, make a few pennies commission on a sale, and everyone in your upline also makes commission off your hard work. Bring emotional and financial devastation to everyone they touch. Unless they're really fucked in the head. What if someone valued being around generally positive people?I have met 5 diamonds and I feel a peace I don't see from any employees.GOD BLESSps. They have not been recognized in the Amagram or Achieve as having achieved Emerald or Diamond on their own. Nothing brings those Amway assholes more happiness than destroying other people's relationships. They all yap about freedom and dreams and how you'll be rich in 2 - 5 years even though the ones saying it have been in for a lot longer than that losing their money and pretending everything's going great. Then there were the books, all of which were priced at what they'd cost in a bookshop. T.Mitchell@katewwdb.comHave a nice day;~Tyler Mitchell~. Hi anna. I knew a lot of ambots who were still living at home with mommy and daddy and bragging about how much money they were making in Scamway. I wouldn't want to get back an already used container of lip gloss. Tell us which McD's and we'll be sure to come over and say hi. If you know of a Diamond or past Diamond not listed, please . They told me I could join Amway and if i dont like it I could leave within 90 days and get my money back.. i feel like thats a lie.. it has to be. I leave the explanations of why Amway is a poor business opportunity or the tool scam to other bloggers. All still alive and well! Uplines DO!!! My diamond makes 1.3 million, and my crown makes 12 million. Thats a no brainer. I attracted an obsessed fan and one of my blog administrators attracted a cyberstalker. And from marriedtoanambot lets just send another big old FUCK YOU out to Amway Global Nuevos Diamantes Pablo & Maria Garcia en Achievers: I was so enamored with their houses and cars, but also how incredibly douchey and pathetic they all looked. Im pretty sure people who make the same amount of money spend 10 years in school. I asked him a few questions about his new gig but he wouldn't tell me the entire picture. If Amway is such a great opportunity, why don't Amway distributors prospect people by saying "I am involved in Amway would you like to go with me to an Amway meeting"? How much does a diamond make in Amway? Sounds like a stronger selling point.Or is it less? Please check your. I quit it after a couple of months, and my Sgt. Their mouth is moving. But when the diamond falls out of qualification fees dry up. Cya at my McDonald's Anna :p. Theo - OMG. This is gross. His house, to make an understatement, was huge. At least if people are watching TV they aren't losing money to Amway. They're relentless. But there is no way I am going to put my effort into something with such low odds of success. Forget that. There may be lies that you can work for a few years and retire. THAT is why they are so hot on recruiting, recruiting, recruiting. Realists always face reality. You do till you are 65.It takes time to build any business.And so what if Amway people are out building their business alk the time. I feel almost certain that it is a pyramid scheme that has only existed through a legal loophole (selling products)A guy i know is currently trying to get me to join Amway.. now my question is why these people are so focused on gaining more downlines when it seems they could make good profit just by selling products at markup. If your wife is an artist you'd think she could switch over to sell her wares on Etsy. PLEASE EXPLAIN ME THE ROYALTY INCOME OF 4% AND 10%, AND HOW IT COMES AND WILLABLE TO FUTURE FAMILY, PLZ ANY ONE WHO IS GETTING THIS EXPLAIN OR MAIL ME IT IN DETAIL. Diamonds don't retire. Amway is all about going into debt. Same bullshit, different company. One or two and maybe it is a fluke. As long as they have a steady stream of suckers paying too much money for generic and substandard Amway products they've got no reason to make changes. Reverse that to read over 99% failure rate. Thats how a brainwashed Amway asshole thinks. Thats it. . Anonymous - I'm sorry to hear you're falling for a women inside the Amway cult. We'll be waiting.-Jerry. Amway should just be a vehicle to provide that additional income to reinvest say into property or other investment opportunities. Until the motivational tool scam is dealt with, Amway will not live up to its promise. And this is after quite a lot of truly hard work. Like everything else in Amway.Anyway the guy your friend got you in front of is one of Amway's best closers and like I said if he was working commissioned sales in another business he'd be making good money. I've always marveled at how these evangelical "Christians" claim to follow the word of Christ, and yet everything they do is the opposite of those teachings. And what will you get it you do all these things? Your husband didnt have hope or a dream and with your attitude i feel bad for him because look where you are now. And look you're right Amway doesn't work. Hehehe,I am about to go Diamond in only 3 years of hard work and dedication.How much I Love when skepticals turn out to be wrong :)Du, nu nu nu, nu nu, nu nu,Cant touch me. Also, don't you dare question product prices or quality or question anything at all for that matter. Amway and its sister companies under Alticor reported sales of $8.9 billion in 2019. Anonymous you should check out our recent post about how Amway ambots claim Amway never advertises. Alas we have a long way to go! You have to buy 100PV in products every month (call it around $300). The best poker players in the world don't play every card they are dealt. I signed up and even tried to work it, but that wasn't good enough. There is a word for what they do in the outside world. In other words, a diamond is downline from another diamond. Let's assume that he paid taxes (maybe he didn't since he's here illegally). I googled both and found Amway and that led me to here. The speakers were probably diamonds or equivalent, and they had a story about how their lives are great now, with all this leisure time. LOL. But you are expected to dump a poopload of money into motivational tools (books and tapes) and atten some very expensive functions. !if u have not done anything in your life then dont be frusteted because Amway is the only way to get every thing in your life which you deserves. Worth also noting that all of Alticors non-Amway related revenues are based in the United States, and media and industry reports regularly state that more than 90% of Alticors revenue comes from outside of the US, so Amway revenue is that revenue plus Amway US revenue, which has been reported at around the $860 million mark leaving less than $200 million for non-Amway Alticor revenue, consistent with the earlier reports. A couple years have passed since then and my business has outgrown their "dream" business ten fold and they are still slaving away, loosing friends, creating enemies and trying to recruit people who want to "live the dream." Wait a minute. The primary drive of recruitment is fulfilling dreams of insurmountable wealth. Ive never been one to like amway, for the most part I do think its annoying but theres no denying thr fact that most of my family that came from a 3rd world country and were piss poor came up with this business with years of hard work and effort. They are currently Founders Crowns. I grew to resent everything Amway, because my parent's life became consumed with it. Your really negative and you have some anger issues. They had a proposal to make to me and I agreed to meet them for coffee. They are sick bastards on so many levels. When it comes to people in Amway you can't be polite. It's ecommerce or something like that. And Diamonds ain't forever. 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