viper tells maverick about his father

[discussing Maverick] When Cougar is freaking out, he looks twice at his family photo. Viper : I was there. Slider's vb double has thicker/darker colored hair. When Charlie chases down Maverick on his motorcycle her car has a blue DOD decal on its windshield. There was no danger. These shots and plane livery were originally made for the final flight. He pressures Iceman to break off so he can take the shot, but Maverick flies through Iceman's jet wash, causing his fighter's engines to fail. (At around 48m) The Navy advised several changes to help with the film's realism in its portrayal of Naval operations, so whileTop Gun's narrative may be fictional, it's certainly plausible. Duke is said to have flown dangerously; a trait shared with Maverick. There were bogeys like fireflies all over the sky. However, upon returning, Iceman elects to do a single engine high speed flyby with Maverick. In reality, an AWACs such as an E-2C would be first guiding the F-14s towards their targets, allowing the F-14s to use passive intercept. Well, that's not something the State Department tells dependents when the battle occurred over the wrong line on some map. It's your option, Lieutenant. Starting, 1:23:08, Viper says Maverick's father was hit, he managed to save three planes before his father was killed. WebViper tells Maverick, "that's not something the State Department tells dependents when the battle occurred over the wrong line on some map," in reference to the death of Maverick's father. Such weapons would not make the shot at a close range. : His death is classified because it happened on the wrong side of some lines on a map. In the mission when Maverick has Sundown as his RIO, Jester's plane alternates between a plain gray paint job, and a camoflauge one. Maverick's watch shows the same in multiple scenes set at different times of day. As they intercept the "bogeys" it is high noon. Before graduating Maverick wears the American flag on his right sleeve, however this is removed and the "Fighter Weapons school" patch has taken the flags original place. Goose states, ""We're going ballistic, Mav. In one frame in the opening flight scene, we hear Cougar talking, but in the "first person perspective" shot, we see Maverick's helmet reflected in the cockpit. (1) Failure to obey instructor's directions: making a kill below the hard deck (Maverick vs. Jester). The peanut disappears and reappears between shots. Second, "The MiG-28 does have a problem with its inverted flight tanks." If you had to go into battle, would you want him with you? One day as Maverick pays a visit to Viper's house he tells him about knowing his father and the truth about what really happened to him despite the information about the incident being classified. He also tells him that he has earned enough points to graduate or that he could quit. You know, he just might not make it back. : Viper: My squadron we lost 8 This is especially noticeable during the briefing before the first hop. The F-14 #114 which crashes during practice is still used after the incident. At 9:00 when Maverick & Goose are inverted over the MiG, extending their "greetings", the names printed on the F-14 are In the navy, indoors, the officer would not have been covered. From his emotional state, it can be assumed that he returned home to his wife and children, leaving his dangerous military life behind him. Further, the F-14s would not turn their radars on either; they'd get all of their interception instructions from the airborne Hawkeyes. Top movies to watch after being shot by cupid. In the elevator, Charlie's ear alternates between being tucked under her cap and being untucked between shots. What would be perhaps 2 minutes later, their coming inside for the long anticipated bedroom action, it's quite dark outside, as if it were and hour or more later. Additionally, it is visible in a later shot. He got you, didn't he? Duke Mitchell Yet, Merlin fails to warn him. A flat spin means has no forward airspeed as it spins towards the ground around its vertical axis. His cap changes from back on his head, about fingers from the eyebrows, to down lower, about 2-3 fingers from the brows, to back on his head again. During the final dogfight, Iceman switches to missiles when he engages the MIG, then as he locks onto the MIG he switches to missiles again then fires. Every F-5 that appears in this movie, however, is standing in as a MiG. After the final dogfight with the MiG-28s, the squadron commanding officer comes into the pilots' locker room with a lit stub of a cigar to inform Maverick that he can choose his next assignment. WhileTop Gunreceived mixed reviews upon its initial release, it remains one of the most beloved movies of a generation, with its sequel, Top Gun: Maverick, finallybeing made after several decades. You followed Commander Heatherly below after he lost sight of you and called no joy. Victims rescued by the Coast Guard are always hoisted in a basket, never by the safety harness alone; thus, hoisting Goose from the water as they did is a violation of the proper rescue procedures. So you think I should quit? She tells him at that speed it's too fast. Viper: My squadron we lost 8 of 18 aircraft. [pauses] This is easily identifiable because the red light that is supposed to be on the port side of the plane is on the starboard side. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. My squadron, we lost 8 of 18 aircraft. The 1st hop shows Maverick's F14 armed with AIM-9 Sidewinders. : In the classroom, most of the textbooks on the desk have nothing to do with aviation, such as an astronomy book on Maverick's desk. They are not flexible, nor am I. In the opening scene when all planes take off, it is sunrise. Keep sending him up. That's our job. portrayed by Svetlana Khodchenkova in the Earth Had he done so, he would've put his crew and Iceman and Slider at risk. Maverick fires the same missile from the same wing station at least three times. The next scene shows the same MIG in a descending flat spin, however it is clearly the right wing that is missing from the plane. Maverick "goes for missile lock" by twisting a nob on the mid-compression by-pass selector. Thus the seat is not armed and in any inverted maneuvers, seats would slide off ejection gun rails. Naval aviator In the training Hops, both Merlin and a blue-helmeted pilot can be seen in Maverick's RIO seat. His death at the end of the film's second act makes Goose one ofTop Gun's most important characters, and Maverick can be seen holding his dog tags in the film's final scenes. However in the next shot, the contrails of the tails indicate a takeoff trajectory from the secondary angled runway. Tell me one thing, if you had to go into battle would you want him with you? Maverick was ordered to land and not coax Cougar. When the first images of the MIG are shown after the "unknown aircraft, inbound Mustang" call the camera angle initially is from underneath and then raises to a side-on profile of the aircraft. Twice, Maverick 'hits the brakes' at 31:31 during the hop and 1:38:54. WebOlivia Singh. The vertical speed indicator shows Cougar's F-14 descending at 6,000 feet per minute, which would be an aggressive dive. Viper's speech and conversation with Maverick indicate they want aggressive and arrogant pilots. The RIO contacted the canopy as he was being propelled above and away from the stricken aircraft, breaking his leg in the process, though he nearly hit the canopy head first. The correct word in this case is "ensure" as in 'to guarantee.'. He was my R.I.O., my responsibility. Holy shit, it's Viper! Finally, departure from a waist cat with aircraft parked on both bow cats. The F-14 is equipped with chaff dispensers to deceive radar-guided missiles, and flare dispensers to fool heat-seeking missiles, none of which were used in the film. Yeah, your old man did it right. Then you broke another one with that, uh, circus stunt fly-by. The Oriskany was featured in the Korean War movie The Bridges at Toko Ri Oriskany plays the part of the fictional USS Savo Island. Naval Academy. During most flight sequences, safety pins and star wheels on left top head box of Martin Baker GRU-7A ejection seat are installed. The investigation itself would take months. However, Maverick throwing Goose's dog tags away is actually far more significant than it may appear. See 1:26:50. Viper Viper : I didn't say that. This is due to sustained major damage to the hydraulic system that powers the flight controls. Despite being cleared of any wrongdoing by the board of inquiry, Maverick feels guilty over Goose's death and his flying skill begins to diminish. Either obey them, or you're history. Jester Commander (O-5) Fighters running training scenarios are unarmed, only using sensors that simulate missile lock-on and shoot-down and results are shown during the debrief. Goose In the elevator scene the officer that enters is wearing a garrison cap. Cougar transmits: "This bogey's all over me. Maverick's tailhook retracts too quickly when he decides to rescue Cougar. You'll pick up your RIO when you get to the ship, and if you don't, give me a call. My options, sir. Biographical information Web. Release Dates Maverick For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Following the flat spin and ejection sequence, Goose was wearing an MBU-14/P oxygen mask. It has since been transferred to the US Marine Corps and is now known as Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar. The shot of the inverted F-14 cockpit (close to the cockpit of the MiG-28) is flipped (lettering is reversed). Maverick, now paired with Merlin, serves as backup F-14 to Iceman and Hollywood. See 37:10. When Maverick is singing in the bar his badge reads PETER MITCHELL. Every so often something comes along to challenge your expectations of what to expect from a particular form of entertainment. On hop 31, the planes clearly take off early in the morning, but once they're off the ground, it's high noon. : Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer star as Maverick and Iceman - two rival pilots who must learn to co-operate instead of competing for the top spot. (Some thought he was wearing full lieutenant insignia; they are similar.). When Cougar reports to Stinger's office to turn in his wings, there is a photo of an F-5 (or T-38) in flight beside Stinger's desk. : There is no city named Miramar in CA. WebMaverick tells Rooster that if he were to fly long enough there would be other flyers who would be lost. Although Maverick was officially cleared from blame by a board of inquiry, Goose's death triggered feelings of conflict in Maverick regarding his own father's mysterious demise, leaving him to grapple with grief, guilt, and the tragic repercussions of his reckless flight maneuvers and if he deserves to fly with the other Top Gun pilots. In Viper's first briefing, Slider at first has the two bars of a lieutenant senior grade on his collar. Additionally none of the "MiG" fighters are carrying any Anti-Shipping Missiles. Nationality Deceased At the time that the movie was filmed VA-25 flew A-7 Corsairs. Then the far shot shows Slider getting up from the same spot where he was sitting. Iceman radios "I need another 20 seconds then I've got him" yet he is flying extremely close to the bandit. During the final dogfight, Slider tells Iceman that there is a MiG "on your left, 3 o'clock." First one dies you die too, but there will be others. Engine 1 is out." When he's not writing for Screen Rant, Niall also writes for Corner of Film (where he also hosts a podcast) and sporadically dabbles in fiction with a focus on dark comedy and horror. Maverick tells her his story about his encounter with the enemy MiG, thus making her interested in him. portrayed by Mallory Jansen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Good morning, gentlemen, the temperature is 110 degrees. It seems highly unlikely that every man in the room would make the same exact singing error. Maverick argues that, ""We weren't below the hard deck for more than a few seconds. Though he takes a keen interest in the sci-fi, fantasy, and horror genres, Niall watches everything and anything, and his secret shame is consuming the many forgotten movies of questionable quality from the '90s and 00s. The following day, he learns that she is an astrophysicist and a civilian instructor at TOPGUN. However, at this point they had not graduated yet. They can't be characters since Charlie is the only character standing in front of the men briefing them at this time. That spin was hell, it would've shook me up. Anyone calling their aircraft over the radio would refer to the aircraft's mission callsign, in this case, "Ghostrider 117" for Cougar and Merlin, and "Ghostrider 203," for Maverick and Goose. : : Real Navy/Marine Corps pilots break this rule all the time as well. He also forms a rivalry with a fellow TOPGUN student, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky. If you can tell me the scene, Ill gladly go watch it. | : | During the first hop, Jester clearly states that the hard deck would be 10,000 feet. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. When Maverick is riding his motorcycle along the runway, you can see the tie-down straps that hold him onto the trailer, visible on his front fender. While all Navy pilots must have NOMEX flight gloves with them, they are not required to (and in fact, do not always) wear them. It is more likely that they have the F-5 type revolver cannon without multiple revolving barrels. At their residence, Goose remarks that Maverick wouldn't be allowed into the US Navy Academy due to his father's name. As Cougar is seen "handing in his wings," the chances are that he never flew for the Navy again. Maverick: He was my R.I.O., my responsibility. Top Gun's ending sees Maverick overcome his recently developed self-doubt to save his former rival, Iceman. 2023 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. I had Commander Heatherly in my sights, he saw me move in for the kill. So I took it." "Ladies Room" sign on the window of the toilets isn't inverted when Maverick goes inside. Viper: I was there. Upon pulling the ejection handles, the crew reported that the canopy seemed to "float" over their heads. What's on your mind? After graduating Maverick is no longer wearing the American flag on his uniform as he should. Maverick: So you're saying I should quit? Maverick takes responsibility for Goose's death, has a post-traumatic inability to fly like he used to, and considers leaving Top Gun. Viper, one of his instructors, tells Maverick that he flew with Maverick's father in Vietnam, and that his father's plane disappeared when he was acting heroically on behalf of his fellow pilots. He admires Maverick's confidence, even if he knows it needs to be harnessed and integrated with the other pilots. Before an ejection, crews are taught to fasten their oxygen masks securely to not only provide oxygen at high altitudes, but also to prevent it from causing injuries. His bike does neither because the bike he is riding is strapped on to a trailer. Now I'm not gonna sit here and blow sunshine up your ass, Lieutenant. In close-up facial footage of Sundown, he has the word "SUNDOWN" on the front of his helmet. What's on your mind? One day as Maverick pays a visit to Viper's house he tells him about knowing his father and the truth about what really happened to him despite the information about the incident being classified. He is the father of Pete "Maverick" Mitchell. Towards the end of flying time it is nighttime. In the Vietnam era, her fighters were F-8Es. Vital information Trying to prove something? Maverick : Sorry to bother you on a Sunday, sir, but thank you very much for your time. Viper encourages Maverick to make his own decision about whether or not to come back to Top Gun. After Charlie gives Maverick the dinner invite, Slider is playing with the model airplane while seated directly next to the classroom window. "Top Gun Quotes." Just later on, he reveals the whole encounter to all the others who may not have security clearance to hear the story. Yes, sir. Second it is a violation of Case I departure procedures. Of all the photos the set designers could have chosen for this scene, it seems strange they would choose one of an "enemy" aircraft. Instead, they could have ordered Maverick to refuel from an airborne tanker like the KA-6D which would be always airborne for approaching aircraft. The two fall in love. He shares some classified information with the young recruit, telling Maverick that his father died a hero. WebThat night she reunites with Black Clan ninja Harada who is forced to chase Wolverine and Mariko after Viper uses her powers on him. Iceman would never be able to intentionally pick his wingman in reality. Yeah. Starting 26:29. At 1:07:23, Goose radios, "We're at six" while the he altimeter shows 2,200 feet. Go get him." Maverick: My options, Sir. In Hop 19, Maverick abandons his wingman Hollywood to pursue Viper. A good pilot is compelled to evaluate what's happened, so he can apply what he's learned. If Mav can travel 150 miles in 30 seconds (300 miles a minute) that's 18,000 miles per hour. : The missiles have a blue band around them indicating they are inert training missiles. WebHe remains loyal to Maverick, however, and sees Maverick's potential to grow. : What if the F4 hes referring to were Corsairs? Medal of Honor recipient James Stockdale commanded VF51 in 1964 flying off the USS Ticonderoga. Viper He's a Radar Intercept Officer (RIO), for slamming a fellow RIO? When Maverick arrives at Charlie's house for their dinner date it is evidently late evening. Maverick again performs a fly-by with Iceman whose F-14 is shot up. However, Top Gun neglects to answer a handful of burning questions. The aircraft was in an unrecoverable spin, and the crew initiated ejection. Why? Viper's up here, great oh shit Maverick After the accident when Goose dies - the sequence of events includes the complete investigation of the incident, the hearing and Maverick back in the air in just a few days. Actor : Intra-cockpit chatter from the F-14s would not be able to be heard on the air operations room. Gentlemen You had a hell of a first day. Alternate Versions Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from See 32:08. He should have provide more information such as air combat maneuvering rules. Throwing Goose's dog tags into the ocean signifies that Maverick wants to move on with his life, and it's his way of letting go of the guilt he felt over his friend's death. Cougar supposedly is trying to outmaneuver the enemy plane. But there will be others. This would be unwise in a hop as the F-14 would run out of fuel. Then when Maverick leaves a short while later, it is once again late evening. The altimeter reads 31,500 ft the first time, and *9,300 ft (the first number obscured) a second later. Toward the end of the movie, when Maverick is waiting on "Alert Five," the camera cuts between Maverick in the cockpit and outside, where carrier crew are working on "his" plane. When Maverick is sitting on his motorcycle watching an F-14 land, the tailhook is in the down position. Viper When offered any assignment he chooses, Maverick tells Stinger that he's decided to become an instructor at TOPGUN. | Viper Viper At that altitude, such a configuration would not assist the turn. In the scene when Maverick and Goose get in trouble for flying by the tower, we see a close-up of Jester's flight suit. Navy rules state on tactical jets, oxygen shall be worn from takeoff until landing, a rule broken throughout the movie. In the following scene where Maverick approaches Slider and tells him he stinks, Slider is now seated in the chair to the left of the one he was previously seated in. Jester We were in the worst dogfight I ever dreamed of. On the next shot it has been updated to Merlin even though it's the same aircraft. Commander Mike "Viper " Metcalf is a naval aviator and an instructor at TOPGUN. Goose questions Slider, "Slider, thought you wanted to be a pilot, man - what happened?" | Up there, we gotta push it. When Charlie gives Maverick a dinner invitation, she clearly writes it on a form, but on close up of the invitation, it is written on a blank sheet of paper. Appearance Tom Cruise played Maverick in "Top Gun." Another impossible case was that Maverick could still land with Cougar's F-14 blocking the way and the former low on fuel. The fuel gauge for the RIO in the F-14 Tomcat is only a digital read-out showing total fuel on board. However, it's later revealed : At 29:53 and 55:45, the smoke from the F-14 is actually fuel being dumped. In subsequent shots, he's apparently been demoted back to lieutenant junior grade. Viper tells Maverick that Viper served with Duke while both were assigned with VF-51 aboard the USS Oriskany. Viper Maverick Viper At 59:04. Is that clear? Trying to prove something? The interior is usually freezing to protect the electronics thus he would not sweat. This is probably a different plane altogether, though - it isn't that hard to paint a number on the side of an airplane. the squadron that Viper flew in with Maverick's father. Viper: You fly jets long enough, something like this happens. Viper Then a launch from the number 1 bow cat. However, at all times during this encounter, the MiG was flying straight and level. The initial close ups of the Migs don't contain such a gun. He sees shades of Duke Mitchell (Maverick's father) in Maverick, and tells him so near the end of the film: VIPER: You're a lot like he [Maverick's father Duke], only better. During the "choice of assignments scene", after the final dogfight, the "late" Goose's name is seen on the red locker door. However, Mike "Viper" Metcalf (Tom Skerritt) knows that Maverick's father, Duke, was one of the best military aviators, and also that the general public doesn't know the specifics of his untimely death - which remains "Classified" information. Now I'm not gonna sit here and blow sunshine up your ass, Lieutenant. Affiliation During the "I lost him in the sun" dialogue during the opening carrier flight, the line of dialogue comes from the Cougar/Merlin plane. while holding a plane model in front of his face. They are not. Case I departure is when a fighter clears the catapult and a positive rate of climb is All yours. After the losing engagement at TOPGUN with CDR Mike "Viper" Metcalf and LCDR Rick "Jester" Heatherly, Maverick is shown in his quarters looking at a picture a picture of himself and Duke that Maverick carries in his wallet. This signal is given early in F-14 launch procedures, not right before launch. At many points during the briefing prior to the first hop, you can clearly see men reflected forward in the actor's glasses, presumably crew members. Appearance Only better and worse. As a result, Maverick and Goose get a special detachment which Cougar and Merlin were formerly assigned to: they are sent to Naval Air Station Miramar in San Diego, California, to participate in the United States Navy Fighter Weapons School, better known as TOPGUN, where the best of the best get to learn to be even better. But he is flying straight and level. This, in addition to any ground targets within range of the appropriate weapons, had the F-14's been equipped with The AIM-7M Sparrow, for example, developed in 1982 which the F-14 carried, has an effective range of up to 31 miles. During a Tactical Aircrew Combat Training System (TACTS) briefing, Maverick tells Charlie, ""If I reversed on a hard cross I could immediately go to guns on him." Throughout the earlier stages ofTop Gun, Maverick believes that his father was killed in action due to his own inability to follow orders. Charlie gains her folder when she exits the ladies room. He can't get back in the saddle, won't engage. When Maverick leaves Charlie's house after he has dinner with her, there is a For Rent sign in her yard (as there is when he drives by her house later in the movie), but there wasn't one when he arrived. Clearance to hear the story states, `` the MiG-28 ) is flipped ( is. 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